Friday, April 9, 2010


Till recently, I thought 'incompatible' was bad /wrong in a relation....if you are incompatible , you cannot make the realtionship work.
It isn't really.Look into your most successful realtionships, are the two of you totally compatible ?? maybe not , on the contrary, chances are that the two of you are not.What makes the difference is what you do with the differences!!
You accept them , love them , sometimes convert them into positives for the relation by complementing each other. You don't judge the person for way he/she does things differently become aware of the differences and work around them may have already done that if you notice your 'easy/happy ' relations.


  1. Darling to my world of definitions this is not compatibility or otherwise- this is knowing and acknowledging and giving love:) So Rumi the great says and I totally believe in this kind of 'incompatibility' too:)

  2. Thanks mee...Honestly, i did tend to dismiss people who were my complete more appreciative of diversity now!!You are so right ...a loving, compassionate view 'dissolves' differences and a certain 'oneness'emerges.
