Sunday, April 25, 2010


'Within' is an oft used word ...specially in the philosophical/spiritual context....everything is within you , they say.
What does the word mean? ...that what you see in the 'out there/outside',is your perception of the world from your point of view.It infers:the 'outside' is a perception and that if you want to change the world around you , you need to examine how you perceive it,your thinking.You do not have to change the physical, the tangible around you to make this happen.
It also means that the way you perceive the outside is not the way the rest of the world does...and that is huge ...that is the crux of our differences.
If you want better relationships and harmony with your environment, be aware of your perceptions; which in turn stem from your thinking process.Make an effort to understand where the other is coming from.Even the color 'red' we see is different from the way others 'see' it.
They say'The outside is a reflection of the inside' and vice versa also holds true.You carry your world with you, literally!